For our first list, we only add one Source column. We use wx.ListCtrl to create a list in wxPython, next we call the InsertColumn() method for adding columns to our lists. ListCtrl ( self, size = ( - 1, - 1 ), style = wx. InsertColumn ( 0, "Source", width = 200 ) self. Panel ): def _init_ ( self, parent ): wx.
Next, refacor the code for creating the app as follows:Ĭlass NewsPanel ( wx.
How to use the webbrowser module to open URLs in your default web browser.įirst of all, head over to the registration page and create a new account then take note of the provided API key which will be using later to access the news data.How to use the json module to parse JSON data into Python 3 dictionaries.How to use Urllib to send HTTP requests to fetch JSON data from a third-party REST API.Throughout this tutorial, you'll understand how to create desktop user interfaces in Python 3, including adding widgets, and managing data. We'll use Urllib for sending HTTP requests to the REST API and the json module to parse the response. We'll be consuming a third-party news REST API available from which provides breaking news headlines, and allows you to search for articles from over 30,000 news sources and blogs worldwide. In this wxPython 4 tutorial, we'll learn to build a Python 3 GUI app from scratch using wxPython and Urllib.